
Soulhold is a homespun TCG that was developed by Adam Austin as a passion project to surprise a group of friends at a bachelor party. He was trying to create a good gift for his friends and ended up creating a whole TCG instead.

This website is just an attempt to immortalize the act of creating this game as well as host the rules and the cards. The personalized player cards that were gifts are not currently listed out of respect for the nature of them as gifts.

- Adam


  1. The game is played with two Players.
  2. The game is divided into phases
  1. Players have multiple resources:
  1. Players have five places where cards can reside:
  1. The game starts with the Gather phase.
    1. Players gain energy equal to the turn number it is, with a maximum gain of 5.:
      1. Turn 1 = 1 energy
      2. Turn 2 =2 energy etc.
      3. Turn 6 = 5 energy etc.
  1. Then the game progresses to the Planning phase.
  1. Once all players are done Planning -- the Battle Phase commences.
  1. Cards have various properties:
  1. Decks must be constructed according to the following parameters:
  1. Decks have the following limits: